Frequently asked Questions

Yes. There are members from all segments and profession at the meetings.

Yes. Even if you dont like public speaking, you are welcome. You merely need to introduce yourself and your business and be a part of networking.

Yes. Management trainings, industrial visits, Guest speakers' lectures and such many programs are organised which impart training though it is not academic and formal training.

Even if you dont bring referral every week, you can join and enjoy referrals from others and subsequently, you may start generating leads or referrals for fellow members. You may be still part of business network.

If you cant make it to a meeting once or twice there is no hard & fast rule for attendance. But it is advised to attend meetings to your level best.

If you cant make it to a meeting once or twice there is no hard & fast rule for attendance. But it is advised to attend meetings to your level best.

Meetings are conducted on every alternate Saturdays starting from first Saturday of every month.